2025-03-01, 03:02 PM
Server version:
reverse proxy: nginx
Looks like this is that cross-origin-resource-policy issue.
I set it to the following in nginx config and it fixed the issue. I'd prefer a policy bsed on client type, but that's over my head for sure and if jellyfin is only internal, It's probably that big of a deal.
If ther's a better way to handle that you're aware of I'd appreciate it, otherwise, probably good enough.
reverse proxy: nginx
Looks like this is that cross-origin-resource-policy issue.
I set it to the following in nginx config and it fixed the issue. I'd prefer a policy bsed on client type, but that's over my head for sure and if jellyfin is only internal, It's probably that big of a deal.
add_header Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy "same-site" always;
add_header Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy "require-corp" always;
add_header Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy "*" always;
If ther's a better way to handle that you're aware of I'd appreciate it, otherwise, probably good enough.