Today, 04:47 AM
(2025-01-09, 03:26 PM)threegreen Wrote: Looks great! Can the tool be used to batch edit metadata (say, tags) for multiple files across different folders or does it only work for a given folder and its files/subfolders?
It appears you can mass add tags and genres to Libraries and their contents, however there isn't a way to remove them in mass. Unless maybe you add all existing tags to the parent folder and hit 'Apply for folder and contents' and then remove the tags from the parent folder and hit the button again. Either way unless you have all your content separated into folders for each tag or genre you want to add it is pointless. There is no way to add or select multiple individual files to then mass edit them.
Not that I have done anything with this as I too also just get a loading icon and nothing ever happens in the program or outside of it. Which is all very sad because this is very close to what I have always dreamed of for Jellyfin metadata editing..
(2025-01-12, 12:32 PM)FatMax1492 Wrote: Does this application edit the metadata of the files directly, which is then read by Jellyfin?
Or does it edit the values within Jellyfin itself?
I am assuming it edits the values within Jellyfin since it auto-populates with your Libraries and playlists, showing their contents as sub-folders. Could be wrong though.