2023-11-01, 05:22 AM
(2023-11-01, 05:20 AM)misterprimus Wrote: Is there some way to make firestick more forgiving like a PC and just skip over the bad frames?
if there is a way it would be re-coding the player app and compiling the fix into it
(2023-11-01, 05:20 AM)misterprimus Wrote: Re: the error finder you mentioned, what would be the code to check all files with video extensions (.avi, .mkv, .mp4, etc...) on a hard drive searching in folders and subfolders as well?
Code:ffmpeg -v error -i file.avi -f null - 2>error.log
in linux, for f in *; do ffmpeg... -i $f; done
you can substitute for f in find... as well
in windows, uhm, some other sort of batch scripting (i dont use windows)