2023-12-12, 01:43 PM
tl;dr: I cannot set the item's name, I get a 400.
I'm getting an item from the
So I change the name and then hit update:
All I get is a 400 response, just "Error processing request." in the response text.
The server logs are not providing more info:
(I couldn't find a "source" in that endpoint parameters)
Any clue what's going on? Thanks!
tl;dr: I cannot set the item's name, I get a 400.
I'm getting an item from the
endpoint, if I print it I see:Code:
{'BackdropImageTags': ['88c073d8ed4d352f1b9dc2a7fca2029b'],
'ChannelId': None,
'CommunityRating': 7.607,
'Container': 'mkv,webm',
'CriticRating': 94,
'HasSubtitles': True,
'Id': '664d7ffdf0922c7eee0ea4f611481ae4',
'ImageBlurHashes': {
'Backdrop': {'88c073d8ed4d352f1b9dc2a7fca2029b': 'WKJ$~m%Lbu5,-o^Pi_-VIpNGNa$j0|n$Rj=|%1w^t6-os.w]xZ9]'},
'Logo': {'77deb07dd1c82eb0aa484c6db58cf951c': 'HRKj+Mt75+n%I:J7NaR*oL}Fn%-BWVxaf+soayNa'},
'Primary': {'49425ae25bbc6c83304e8dc48eae0d30': 'dbKdPd?Go}?Gcu%2xst7KmNG$*t6IvxtoIay9bs+R%R*'}
'ImageTags': {
'Logo': '77deb07dd1c82eb0aa484c6db58f951c',
'Primary': '49425ae25bbc6c83304e8dc48eae0d30'
'IsFolder': False,
'LocationType': 'FileSystem',
'MediaType': 'Video',
'Name': 'El día de la marmota',
'OfficialRating': 'PG',
'OriginalTitle': 'Groundhog Day',
'Path': '/data/Permanente/Eterno/Groundhog Day.mkv',
'PremiereDate': '1993-02-11T00:00:00.0000000Z',
'ProductionYear': 1993,
'RunTimeTicks': 60641710080,
'ServerId': '621086aaa8ef40939c2945a44a7b37bc',
'Type': 'Movie',
'VideoType': 'VideoFile'}
So I change the name and then hit update:
media["Name"] = "Groundhog Day"
resp = requests.post(f"{jf_server}/Items/{media['Id']}", json=media, headers=headers)
All I get is a 400 response, just "Error processing request." in the response text.
The server logs are not providing more info:
[2023-12-12 10:16:23.299 -03:00] [ERR] Error processing request. URL "POST" "/Items/664d7ffdf0922c7eee0ea4f611481ae4".
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')
(I couldn't find a "source" in that endpoint parameters)
Any clue what's going on? Thanks!