How much guidance can we provide @skribe? We've been asked as part of the rules not to discuss but if I can offer a keyword answer and shut off the discussion is that appropriate? In this case, I know the exact answer but opted to err on the side of caution and be more...obtuse about it. I'm not taking about posting a guide or links, but is, "look into using X to achieve the results you're looking for on the Radar/Sonarr side. You will want to seek help from a Servarr-based community if you need assistance," appropriate? There are some gray areas where I'd like to be helpful but also be a respectful member of the community.
Jellyfin 10.10.5 LSIO Docker | Ubuntu 24.04 LTS | i7-13700K | Arc A380 6 GB | 64 GB RAM | 79 TB Storage