9 hours ago
Hello, I am running 10.9.11 and have no metadata scraping or anything like that turned on. I've been manually adding info as needed. Right now I am trying to sort my TV collection and use the genres tag. However, most of the genres don't show up at all. I've tried updating and re-scanning metadata and it doesn't fix the issue.
Is there something obvious I am missing? I go to the show, edit metadata, click the + for genre, then I manually type in the name of the genre. Drama and Fantasy seem to work, but Action, Adventure, and any combination of Science Fiction/SciFi/Sci-Fi do not work. I can see that the genre tags have been applied to the show. When I click on the ones that show up on the genres tab they work, but if they don't show up in the genres tab (like the Sci-Fi ones) then I just get an infinite loading loop.
I looked through the forum and haven't found a solution. I did see someone on github a few years ago with this issue but there was no resolution.
Thank you for your help. Being able to use genres would make it much easier to navigate my library.
Is there something obvious I am missing? I go to the show, edit metadata, click the + for genre, then I manually type in the name of the genre. Drama and Fantasy seem to work, but Action, Adventure, and any combination of Science Fiction/SciFi/Sci-Fi do not work. I can see that the genre tags have been applied to the show. When I click on the ones that show up on the genres tab they work, but if they don't show up in the genres tab (like the Sci-Fi ones) then I just get an infinite loading loop.
I looked through the forum and haven't found a solution. I did see someone on github a few years ago with this issue but there was no resolution.
Thank you for your help. Being able to use genres would make it much easier to navigate my library.