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Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - Printable Version

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Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - Egilman - 2023-07-02

I have been perusing the thread over on r/jellyfin on the client for Samsung Tizen smart TV's....

Is this the way to get my standalone (no internet) server directly connected to my TV? Upside-down-face

RE: Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - Fallenbagel - 2023-07-02

As long as your TV is connected to the same lan network as jellyfin, it can connect to it and you can stream from it (if that's what you mean)

RE: Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - Egilman - 2023-07-02

(2023-07-02, 05:37 AM)Fallenbagel Wrote: As long as your TV is connected to the same lan network as jellyfin, it can connect to it and you can stream from it (if that's what you mean)

I currently have a Kodi server up and running connected to my minimal network and can access it form my desktop...

The samsung manual says that I should be able to connect it to the lan port on the TV and the TV should recognize it and connect using DLNA...

Unfortunately this is not the case, the TV does not recognize it in any fashion... There is also no client player on the TV that will recognize the server so the point is moot...

At this point I'm not locked into any specific server, I will switch to Jellyfin if I can get it to connect.... I know Jellyfin is a little more technically involved in setup than Kodi and that does not shy me away as long as I can fine a clear set of steps to set it up...

I've been reading that I need to side load a client for Tizen onto the TV before I will be able to access anything... I've seen the posts on r/jellyfin laying this process out...

But since r/jellyfin is now closed I am unable to ask questions over there... I followed the links to here so I can ask questions and receive guidance....

I'm a complete newbie as it deals with media sharing and streaming, heck I don't even own a cellphone...

So I'm looking for help, any help to get my two year old Samsung 4k TV to play my files off a standalone server... (or if it is an impossibility and I should junk the TV and buy another that is fully DLNA compliant)

I know the forum just moved here and will be slow to pick up steam, so, I am patiently waiting for anyone with knowledge to offer any advice...

RE: Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - wtfjacks - 2023-07-03

I'll do my best to give you a hand. First I use Jellyfin with a Linux OS connected to an LG tv using DLNA.
I don't have Kodi installed but suspect you already have it streaming to your tv.

With jellyfin installed on your pc, go to the dashboard and click on DLNA.
Check the following boxes and change any values to what I have listed.

Enable Play To DLNA Feature
Client Discovery Interval 60
Enable DLNA Server
Blast Alive Messages
Alive Message Interval 600
Default User - Insert your user name here

On Windows you may have to allow UPnP access through your firewall.

On your TV you should have a menu to add connections from other devices.
On my LG I didn't have to add JF as it showed up in the connection bar which shows
all my HDMI ports and shared content devices.
All I had to do was select it and jellyfin was fully available on my tv.

You do not need to install Tizen on your tv for DLNA to work.
While DLNA is not as robust as a dedicated app for your tv, it works very well
and plays without issues on my tv.

You may want to take a look at this page.

RE: Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - Egilman - 2023-07-03

(2023-07-03, 01:26 AM)wtfjacks Wrote: I'll do my best to give you a hand. First I use Jellyfin with a Linux OS connected to an LG tv using DLNA.
I don't have Kodi installed but suspect you already have it streaming to your tv.

With jellyfin installed on your pc, go to the dashboard and click on DLNA.
Check the following boxes and change any values to what I have listed.

Enable Play To DLNA Feature
Client Discovery Interval  60
Enable DLNA Server
Blast Alive Messages
Alive Message Interval  600
Default User - Insert your user name here

On Windows you may have to allow UPnP access through your firewall.

On your TV you should have a menu to add connections from other devices.
On my LG I didn't have to add JF as it showed up in the connection bar which shows
all my HDMI ports and shared content devices.
All I had to do was select it and jellyfin was fully available on my tv.

You do not need to install Tizen on your tv for DLNA to work.
While DLNA is not as robust as a dedicated app for your tv, it works very well
and plays without issues on my tv.

You may want to take a look at this page.

Thank Jacks....

What I'm trying to do is figure out how to stream directly to my samsung TV (Tizen op system) from a windows based media server over network cable without a router/cablemodem... the issue is a player that can operate on the TV for accessing the server... 

on the link I provided in my first post, there is a jellyfin client that has been ported to Tizen and can be side loaded onto my Samsung TV which will directly interface with a Jellyfin server, (thru a Cat 8 network cable) on the windows box using the TV's remote...

That's exactly what I want, a standalone server directly, (no internet access) streaming to/feeding the TV... I'm beginning to believe that Kodi will not/is not able to do this and probably never will...

So I'm looking at switching over to jellyfin on windows as the server and exploring more on the client side for the TV...

The link you provided helped a lot in my understanding what I'm trying to do...

Thank you..

Been doing even more reading from location thru the link you provided and am thinking I'm understanding that Kodi is a share player, not a real server like jellyfin....

RE: Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - TheDreadPirate - 2023-07-03

(2023-07-03, 03:55 AM)Egilman Wrote: ........

on the link I provided in my first post, there is a jellyfin client that has been ported to Tizen and can be side loaded onto my Samsung TV which will directly interface with a Jellyfin server, (thru a Cat 8 network cable) on the windows box using the TV's remote...

That's exactly what I want, a standalone server directly, (no internet access) streaming to/feeding the TV... I'm beginning to believe that Kodi will not/is not able to do this and probably never will...


So you want to directly connect your TV to your PC running Jellyfin via ethernet?  With no router in between?

If that is the case, you would need to manually set an IP and subnet mask on both your computer and your TV.  Normally your PC and TV would be dynamically assigned an IP by your router.  I'm pretty sure most modern devices will detect this setup and shouldn't require a crossover cable.

For the "gateway" it should be set to the PC's IP (whatever that is), including on the PC itself.





Something like that.

RE: Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - Egilman - 2023-07-03

(2023-07-03, 02:34 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote:
(2023-07-03, 03:55 AM)Egilman Wrote: ........

on the link I provided in my first post, there is a jellyfin client that has been ported to Tizen and can be side loaded onto my Samsung TV which will directly interface with a Jellyfin server, (thru a Cat 8 network cable) on the windows box using the TV's remote...

That's exactly what I want, a standalone server directly, (no internet access) streaming to/feeding the TV... I'm beginning to believe that Kodi will not/is not able to do this and probably never will...


So you want to directly connect your TV to your PC running Jellyfin via ethernet?  With no router in between?

If that is the case, you would need to manually set an IP and subnet mask on both your computer and your TV.  Normally your PC and TV would be dynamically assigned an IP by your router.  I'm pretty sure most modern devices will detect this setup and shouldn't require a crossover cable.

For the "gateway" it should be set to the PC's IP (whatever that is), including on the PC itself.

........ PC

........ TV

Something like that.

Thanks DP ...

You saved me the trouble of having to look it up to remind myself..... Basic networking 101 stuff I know, but I haven't used it in so long I appreciate the reminder...

I have Jellyfin up and running on the server right now and it's connected to my desktop which hasn't any problem running it... I can access the server thru the client and the native file system equally well...
Now I get to figure out the client side for the TV...  I'll do a test straight up and see what the TV has for client access and if nothing (cause of the Tizen op system) I'll be looking into reprogramming the TV with the info from the link.... (putting a Jellyfin client on a Samsung TV)

A have an Nvidea 1080TI (pascal) running in the server and will be using Nvenc for transcoding the same as I do on the desktop so I'll be able to run the server headless and pretty much transcode anything out there except for 8K.... The TV is a 4K so it should be fine, as long as I have a client to access the server....

Thank you very much, all help is greatly appreciated... Even if it seems like the basic stuff...


RE: Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - Egilman - 2023-07-04

Well, the sad news is the TV doesn't connect to the server...

It recognizes that there is a network cable connected but sees no network...

The server sees that there is an unknown device connected but does not know what it is...

This was supposed to be simple...

So much for DLNA supposedly being enabled on Samsung TV's making it easy...

RE: Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - Egilman - 2023-07-04

(2023-07-04, 04:22 PM)Egilman Wrote: ......
So much for DLNA supposedly being enabled on Samsung TV's making it easy...

Doing more research, Samsung has an app... 

Easy Connection to Screen 4.7.1


Written by and maintained by Samsung, it is installed on your PC and uses either the wi-fi or wired network connection of the TV to connect to the PC...  It does this by casting the PC screen output onto the TV... 

I guess you could call it a Samsung client for the PC in general or it turns your PC into a sort of chromecast device over the network cable...

I've downloaded it and installed it on the machine with the Jellyfin server... It does need to be connected to the TV for configuration... 

Since the SO (significant other, god love her) is using the TV now, I am unable to finalize the installation and test it out, but from what they are claiming it's my answer..... if it connects...

WE will SEE...

Will report back here if it works and how well Jellyfish works with it...

RE: Jellyfin client on A Samsung smart TV... - Egilman - 2023-07-05


Easy connection to Screen does NOT work without internet... It requires a Samsung account and for you to be signed in over the internet...

But I did get Jellyfin to work on the TV...

The network configuration was the issue....

This is the Network configuration I used...


dns: blank

The IP can be anything within the IP range as long as it is different than the gateway, it is the unique hardware identifier on the network
The subnet mask is the standard one that is used by the gateway to set the IP range... In this case sets the network IP range as to You can have as many devices connected thru hubs and switches without a router on the true LAN up to the limit of the IP range...

The Gateway is the IP address of the LAN it self.... The servers unique identifier...

The Reason for the non entry in the DNS section is there is no DNS (Domain Name Service) server attached or connected to the network so if you put anything there it looks for a named network, when it doesn't find one, it throws a network error...


dns: blank

The IP is different here cause the TV has to have it's own unique ID on the LAN, so it has be different than the gateway and the server's ID's... I set the server to 10 and the TV to 20...

Jellyfin-My Media (my Media is the name of the server) shows in the source menu on the Samsung Smart TV.... When you select it, it shows a windows style file system instead of the Jellyfin user interface, but all your setups are there...

My setup does not allow transcoding but does allow passthrough over the Cat 8 cable directly to the TV.... the Server runs headless... (no monitor or keyboard/mouse)

It's not purty but it works!!!


Dual Xeon 2970 E3's (48 cores, complete over kill I know, but it's what I have on hand) Watercooled... 16 gig memory
Supermicro X10DRI-t motherboard
EVGA GTX 1080ti hybrid GPU
Seagate Barracuda 2T HD as the system drive
HGST 10T drive as the TV show library drive
HGST 4T drive as the Movie library drive
WD 4T drive as the Documentary library drive...
4 bay hotswap bay to hold the HD's

Since transcoding is turned off I do not know if I need the video card except for the occasion when I need to access the OP system...

Of course I do not know any of the fine points of running or setup of this system yet, I'm just happy it works without having to reprogram the TV...

Thank you for listening to me and the help given that pointed me in the right direction...

Thank you VERY Much!!!