2023-12-04, 04:14 PM
(2023-12-04, 03:58 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: In the User Dashboard, you can prevent any/all users from seeing Collections, in General. But you can't prevent users from seeing a specific collection.
true, with an exception
you can create multiple collections libraries and have each user see a specific one so that they only see "their" collections
im not sure how to do this "from the gui" but i did this manually like this
on the drive, duplicate the existing collections folder inside the jellyfin config folder
go to dashboard -> libraries -> add library
on the first screen where it says to select a type "movies", "shows" etc, do not select anything and leave it blank
for the folder select the duplicated collections folder on the drive
when finished you will have 2 different (or more) collections on in your libraries which you can select which users can see each
in appearance i think everything works normal from there but i also manually edit the xml files so i only assume adding/removing to collections works like normal
a bit of work i wish had native functionality but in the end it's fine