2024-07-25, 02:47 PM
Two things.
If you are accessing in a browser, ctrl + f5 to full refresh or delete the site data stored in your browser for jellyfin. Or clear the browser cache entirely. You browser may still be loading the cached version of jellyfin-web 10.9.7 instead of .8.
Same with Jellyfin Media Player. It also uses the server's jellyfin-web, but also has a local cache. To clear the JMP cache go to C:\Users\yourUser\appdata\local. There will be a "jellyfinmediaplayer" and "Jellyfin Media Player" folder. Delete both. Open Jellyfin Media Player and log back in.
If you are accessing in a browser, ctrl + f5 to full refresh or delete the site data stored in your browser for jellyfin. Or clear the browser cache entirely. You browser may still be loading the cached version of jellyfin-web 10.9.7 instead of .8.
Same with Jellyfin Media Player. It also uses the server's jellyfin-web, but also has a local cache. To clear the JMP cache go to C:\Users\yourUser\appdata\local. There will be a "jellyfinmediaplayer" and "Jellyfin Media Player" folder. Delete both. Open Jellyfin Media Player and log back in.