2023-07-19, 10:29 AM
I'm not suggesting the existing naming conventions are removed, only that Plex's naming conventions be added in as a supported format.
This would improve adoption and make it easier for Plex users to migrate over to Jellyfin as it would allow the two to run in parallel rather than having to do a hard-change of file naming.
For example, if I take the way movie editions are handled as "versions";
I currently do the following, which works for me;
├───Blade Runner (1982)
│ ├───Blade Runner (1982) {edition-International Theatrical Cut}.mp4
│ ├───Blade Runner (1982) {edition-The Final Cut}.mp4
│ ├───movie.nfo
│ ├───tmdb.url
The works for Plex's automated edition matching, and lets me manually "Merge Versions" within Jellyfin (I wish Jellyfin automatically merged based of matching IDs).
Having Jellyfin recognise "{edition-...} (as well as the current convention) as a version would make it slick.
So - keeping things the way Jellyfin wants is fine, but I think adding in support for Plex conventions would greatly improve adoption. Much like other services - "not-Spotify" services like Navidrome would have better take up if it flat-out copied Spotify as default to easy any move over, but still doing things "their own way" in the configs.
This would improve adoption and make it easier for Plex users to migrate over to Jellyfin as it would allow the two to run in parallel rather than having to do a hard-change of file naming.
For example, if I take the way movie editions are handled as "versions";
- Jellyfin requires the file name to match the folder name, but with a [space]hyphen[space] separator followed by the version/edition name. Works fine, but not recognised in Plex.
- Plex handles this different by dropping the [space]hyphen[space] separate in favour of a curly bracket wrapper with a "tag" inside = {edition-Edition Name Here}. Again, works fine, but not recognised by Jellyfin.
I currently do the following, which works for me;
├───Blade Runner (1982)
│ ├───Blade Runner (1982) {edition-International Theatrical Cut}.mp4
│ ├───Blade Runner (1982) {edition-The Final Cut}.mp4
│ ├───movie.nfo
│ ├───tmdb.url
The works for Plex's automated edition matching, and lets me manually "Merge Versions" within Jellyfin (I wish Jellyfin automatically merged based of matching IDs).
Currently... Not pretty, but functional...
![[Image: 1PUgdwG.png]](https://i.imgur.com/1PUgdwG.png)
If the Plex conventions were supported... MUCH better!..
![[Image: UWvhabf.png]](https://i.imgur.com/UWvhabf.png)
Having Jellyfin recognise "{edition-...} (as well as the current convention) as a version would make it slick.
So - keeping things the way Jellyfin wants is fine, but I think adding in support for Plex conventions would greatly improve adoption. Much like other services - "not-Spotify" services like Navidrome would have better take up if it flat-out copied Spotify as default to easy any move over, but still doing things "their own way" in the configs.