2023-09-26, 10:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 2023-09-26, 10:40 PM by Onyxblack. Edited 1 time in total.)

A long long time ago, there was a King who ruled over the Kingdom of Emby. The kingdom was awesome and the King ruled his land fairly, serving content; for free to all. One day the King got a new jester. The jester poisoned the kings drink with the taste of money.
Slowly the king started locking content behind their paywall, barricading content and preventing new things from being shared - anyone that wanted to to stream would now have to pay the greedy king.
Till one day, one lonely peasant realized... it was all open source, he quickly fled to the counsel forums and flooded the boards with messages asking why they must pay for something that was under a open source license....
The king laughed in disgust and scoffed that the core was open source but the features that everyone had come to love was the kings property and that anyone who would want to continue to stream would have to poor him his drink and pay.
A small subset of the people broke off from the kingdom and created a township called JellyFin. Using the magic core that they had come to love and slowly the people began to build their own kingdom.
The greedy king and his kingdom has slowly been shrinking as he demands more and moar monies.
Today the two kingdoms are even in stature...
...many suspect that the Kingdom of emby will soon fall... Leaving the true free and open source JellyFin rule over the continent... It is prophesied that one day The Kingdom of JellyFin will travel beyond the great ocean and land on the shores of Plex
Please stay tuned for the next episode of Kingdom of Streams