2024-03-15, 09:53 AM
Hello everyone,
We have a Univention server here (UCS 5.0.7) configured as ADS, providing users/groups. My JF 10.8.13 is connected to it, and LDAP user login works. Now, I've installed a test VM with Debian 12.5 and JF 10.9-unstable. However, LDAP login doesn't work anymore. I configured the LDAP connection in 10.9 as follows, and all tests in the plugin configuration return correct values.
Unfortunately, the Jellyfin log file provides little insight into the reasons for the failure:
We have a Univention server here (UCS 5.0.7) configured as ADS, providing users/groups. My JF 10.8.13 is connected to it, and LDAP user login works. Now, I've installed a test VM with Debian 12.5 and JF 10.9-unstable. However, LDAP login doesn't work anymore. I configured the LDAP connection in 10.9 as follows, and all tests in the plugin configuration return correct values.
LDAP Server: srv01.lan.example.de
LDAP Port: 7636
Secure LDAP: [x]
StartTLS: [ ]
Skip SSL/TLS Verification: [x]
Allow Password Change: [ ]
LDAP Bind User: uid=ldapbind,cn=users,dc=lan,dc=example,dc=de
LDAP Bind User Password: secret
LDAP Base DN for searches: dc=lan,dc=example,dc=de
-> Save und test LDAP-Server-Settings -> Connect (Success); Bind (Success); Base Search (Found 873 Entities)
LDAP Search Filter: (memberOf=cn=JellyfinUsers,cn=groups,dc=lan,dc=example,dc=de)
LDAP Search Attributes: uid, cn, mail, displayName
LDAP Uid Attribute: uid
LDAP Username Attribute: uid
LDAP Password Attribute: userPassword
LDAP Admin Base DN: (cn=Administrators,cn=Builtin,dc=lan,dc=example,dc=de)
LDAP Admin Filter: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|(memberOf=cn=Domain Admins,cn=groups,dc=lan,dc=example,dc=de)(memberOf=cn=Administrators,cn=Builtin,dc=lan,dc=example,dc=de)))
Enable Admin Filter 'memberUid' mode: [x]
-> Test and save LDAP-Filter-Settings -> Found 4 user(s), 2 admin(s), Warning: Not all Admins are Users
Test Login Name: s.example
-> Sace Search Attribute Settings and Query User -> Found user: uid=s.example,cn=users,dc=lan,dc=example,dc=de
Enable User Creation: [x]
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Unfortunately, the Jellyfin log file provides little insight into the reasons for the failure:
[2024-03-15 10:27:21.507 +01:00] [INF] Authentication request for "s.example" has been denied (IP: "").
[2024-03-15 10:27:21.510 +01:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Invalid username or password entered". URL "POST" "/Users/authenticatebyname".